Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let's talk garbage

Please. Talk garbage. Call these numbers and talk garbage, repeatedly. Till they come and take it away. These are the numbers of Neel Metal Fanalca.
28470200 & 45536226.
Under whose inefficient purview, my side of Chennai falls. Heaps of garbage are now a common sight in these once clean lanes. Add the rain and slush and heaven knows what you are stepping on. The reason for me and indeed each one of us to be bloody agitated is the wholesale rise in infections. My father and I both have contracted leptospirosis ( a bacterial infection that spreads through rats), our kids are viral fever regulars (each strain nastier than the other) and doctors' clinics are overflowing with the same sad eyed patients, each clutching a blood test report.
Garbage may not be the only reason, but it is one which we can control. Please call if garbage in your street is lying strewn on the pavements, or if there are an inadequate number of bins. And guys, please throw garbage INSIDE the bin. Or drill the point into your maid's head. Not doing so, is going to cost all of us. Much, much more than the cost of either a phone call or a minute's extra effort.
BTW, 1913 is the Chennai corporation helpline.

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