Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My booker of bookers

haven't tamed the "White Tiger" yet. But have ploughed through the entire booker list in a fit of madness. Some gems, lots of duds.
My top picks thus far
Midnight's children - Salman Rushdie
The Ghost Road - Pat Barker
Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguru
Blind Assasin - Margaret Atwood
Possession - AS Byatt
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
Line of Beauty - Allan Hollinghurst
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha - Roddy Doyle

The really terrible ones (avoid like the plague)
The Bone People
Famished Road
The siege of Krishnapur
For the entire list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_winners_and_shortlisted_authors_of_the_Booker_Prize_for_Fiction
P.S. I read only the winners, heard there are some folks who read nominees et al.


Pb said...

Haven't tamed the tiger either. But have heard it's a great read. Was rooting for Sea of Poppies so not sure just how un-prejudiced my reading will be...

Did you read 2007's winner the dark and gloomy Gathering by Anne Enright?
Think that's the one that will break my record. Shucks.

Ravages/CC said...

Second you on the first. Super book.
Haven't read the others yet. SO.

anantha said...

hey, welcome to the big, bad world of blogging. don't read books. so. i am commentless.

meera said...

how could u miss out Vernon Godlittle?My all time favourite.Original voice ( ok maybe shades of catcher in the rye, or maybe I am hallucinating), sad ,young and so vicious.